954-494-5104 Info@PSChaplain.com





Multiple opportunities are available for friends interested in Public Safety Chaplaincy to volunteer their time and talent to help.

Fort Lauderdale Police Department Chaplains


Chaplains from all faiths are currently needed all over Broward County, Florida.  Requirements for volunteer Public Safety Chaplaincy chaplains include:

  • Ordained by legitimate faith-based organization *
  • 2 years experience in ministry and/or chaplaincy
  • Good community standing (references required)
  • Clean legal history (background checks required)
  • Ability to work well with individuals of many faith traditions and no faith tradition
  • Sincere interest in working with fire and police professionals
  • Transportation available to respond to call-outs

Chaplains are required to commit to a minimum number of hours available each month.  This can be in addition to other time commitments (job, ministerial duties, etc.) Training will be provided.

(*) Chaplains are required to be ordained in order to preserve confidentiality privilege.


PSC Volunteers


Public Safety Chaplaincy is also in need of volunteers for a variety of tasks:

  • Website maintenance, SEO
  • Fundraising
  • Office assistance (database updates, marketing assistance, etc.)

Submit your Volunteer Information

Someone will contact you shortly.

Volunteer Info Form

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